Executive coaching, leadership coaching, team effectiveness and mentorship are pillars of strength in the foundation of an organisation. For the service profit chain to deliver effectively, the key individuals holding power within the organisation need to know whether they are a good fit for the business and the position, their key strengths, their career paths as well as their developmental needs to reach their aspirations. Self-actualisation is reached with constant learning and growth through challenges and self-insight, as well as experiential learning, as defined by Kolb.
The focus is on 'me'! What can I change in 'me' in a world where I can only influence but cannot change?
Coaching is recognised as a proven way to enhance leadership and organisational performance. Leadership coaching empowers leaders, as well as aspiring leaders, to set goals that achieve optimum results. We provide coaching for identified leaders who want to be great leaders by harnessing and enhancing their executive/leadership skills and improving their personal and professional effectiveness.
A coaching relationship is based on openness, honesty and trust. It enables you to identify and clarify your hopes and goals, to focus on the outcomes you desire and then create a plan to ensure your success in achieving them. Coaching is one of the most effective methods in the development of successful managers and leaders.
Leadership coaching will produce concrete developments, such as:
- strong leaders and executives for improved organisational performance;
- facilitating greater self-awareness and enhanced relationships within potential leadership tiers;
- improving goal setting and achievement;
- helping to create and implement the action plan;
- enhancing overall improvement in work/life balance;
- helping to overcome limiting beliefs and unhelpful behaviour patterns; and
- fostering increased energy and greater resilience.
Our coaching methodology focuses on improving leadership skills, and, in turn, the bottomline results of your company.
Our business philosophy, which is an integral part of our approach to executive coaching, is aimed at:
- improving leadership competence, including both EQ and IQ;
- improving turnover and bottomline results;
- ensuring that leaders enjoy their jobs and experience career satisfaction; and
- developing appropriate leadership skills.
We differentiate our offering in that it is a process focusing throughout on improvement for the individual and the company. Our coaches are all experienced business people who have operated at senior executive level and have a proven track record.
We have an outstanding record in coaching in South Africa and overseas. As mentioned earlier, our list of clients include many large, bluechip companies, such as RMB, Old Mutual, Metropolitan, Airports Company South Africa, Liberty Life, Goldfields, AngloGold Ashanti, KWV, Discovery, Forward Slash, Coke, Transglobal and Medscheme. Individuals participating in our coaching programmes are generally the top executives of their organisations.
We see executive coaching as the science and art of facilitating and actualising the potential knowledge, skills and talents of an individual and executive, which can be measured in terms of performance. Our philosophy focuses executives on bottomline delivery via a frank discussion on (a) self-analysis; (b) past performance and how it may be improved; (c) setting future goals; and (d) how best to achieve these goals. We draw from best coaching practices internationally to ensure the effectiveness of our general approach, while at the same time tailoring solutions to suit each executive’s unique requirements and the company’s business goals.
Our guiding principles for successful corporate coaching may be summarised as follows:
- We manage the entire coaching process to ensure consistency and quality;
- We prepare clients and our coaches for the coaching process;
- We give clients the opportunity to select their preferred coaches;
- We allow each coaching relationship to follow its own path;
- We provide coaching with strong organisational support;
- We provide performance measurement (feedback/review on a quarterly basis);
- We open up dialogue to learn from the coaching experience.